We have > 50% new people in this room
- We need to learn how to teach better
- Ask not what ALT.NET can do for you, ask what you can do for ALT.NET
- We'd like more new people to come
- but the window for registration is tight
- Kathleen suggests saving spot for new people for 48 hours
- We should re-instate the "demo fishbowl" to give basics to new people
- Encourage people to suggest topics like this and the "silent majority" will show up
- This helps new people feel safe and welcome
- Some people also want to talk to people who are smarter than them
- "Should be we pusing knowledge or information literacy at newbies?"
- Real feedback: We don't have to get to everybody. Brown bags. Videos.
- Pedagogy /= Teaching
- Accomodating different learning styles
- Definiing Success
- Need to have the same definition
- Facilities
- Microsoft can be engaged to help figure out where to do this
- Los Angles .NET Users Group does something where they give you facilities and food for $49/day.
- People don't know about "pre-requisites"
- Forgot to put up and altnetpedia link on the wiki. Oops! Sorry! Here it is.
- Mentoring (at work)
- start from pain points and work from there
- Making the community more accessible (the "don't be mean" stuff)
- we can introduce principals even if people are using Cold Fusion
- Code Kata
- Can we start a "league of free presenters?" Interested? mailto:cbilson@pobox.com
- Karl Seguin's book as a basis for a course
- Microsoft Training is accepting community content - thanks @mhinze
- I started a google group: http://groups.google.com/group/lunchtime-speakers
- if you want to be available for this, join the group and say where you are
- if you want to talk to someone about coming to your company, post something to the list
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