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Multi Tenancy

Page history last edited by Ayende Rahien 15 years, 6 months ago
Multi tenant apps
Single Intance Apps - Sales Force
Customized Apps - 
 - Labratory Information
 - E Commerce
 - SharpPoint
 - CRM
 - ERP
 - Basic
 - Pro
 - Enterprise
 - $$$$$$$$$$
System Behaviors
Data Entry
Behavior customization
Policy & Rule Management
Language of Constraint
// BAD: exec usp_CreateLead ....
// * Versioning
// * Maintainability
// Bad: leadService = new WebSerivce("http://...");
// * impacts app developments
// * falacies of distriuted computing
// * versioning
// * depencies on customized version
// * configuration
// Option: bus.Publish(new CreateLead());
// * configuration
// * distribution
// * hosted endpoint
// * easy versioning
// * no chance of breaking existing impl.
// BAD!
  string result = leadService.Create(...);
  //result = "<createLead><name>...</name></createLead>"
  tenantCustomizatons.NewLead(ref result);
// conerns
* how do we test customizations?
* how do we debug?
* how do we deploy?
* how do we handle errors? 0xE1230812 is BAD!!!
* how do we handle configuration?
* how do we Xyz where xyz is development practice.
container per customer?
Customize UI
Composable UI
License token tree?
changing UI dynamically
// UI Application Block
 - easy to write
 - easy to manage
 - easy to get into "templates as the hammer"
Data customization options
select * from contacts c
join leads l on c.leadid = l.id
where c.tenantid = 'northwind'
-- go away and don't change the data
create table customers
  id guid primary key,
  name string not null
-- limited extensability
create table customers
  id guid primary key,
  name string not null,
  custom1 string null,
  custom2 string null,
  custom3 string null,
  custom4 string null,
  custom5 int null,
  custom6 int null,
  custom7 int null,
  custom8 datetime null
-- recursive extensability
create table Rules
-- xml
create table customers
  id guid primary key,
  name string not null,
  extension xml
-- extension table
create table customers
  id guid primary key,
  name string not null
create table northwind.customers
  id guid primary key,
-- custom table
create table customers
  id guid primary key,
  name string not null,
  is_justin_angry bool


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