Reactive Extensions
Page history
last edited
by Chris Bilson 13 years, 4 months ago
- nuget i Rx-All
- generators: Observable.Create<int>(...)
- adapters:
- Observable.FromEvent<MouseEventArgs>(...)
- .FromEventPattern<MouseEventArgs>(frm, "MouseMove") <- uses reflection to find the event
- composition
- frm.MouseMove += (_, args) => { if (this) ... else if (that) ... } <- not composable
- Observable.FromEventPattern<>(...).Select(...) <- specific events, logic not in action, actions composable
- crossing streams: Observable.___<>(...).SelectMany(evt => ...)
- schedulers
- Observable.Timer(5.Seconds()) <- fires one event in 5 seconds
- Which timer? Up to you. Scheduler abstraction.
- context + policy + clock
- distrib. process, you might use remote clock
- IScheduler <- mostly don't need to worry about. Use defaults: Observable.Range(1, 10, Scheduler.ThreadPool)
- Scheduler.Immediate, Scheduler.Dispatcher....
- Some of the schedulers are in different assemblies (if they depend on winforms, or whatever) for portability
- TestScheduler (see below)
- testing
- time problem
- want a virtual clock
- scheduler = new TestScheduler()
- scheduler.CreateObservable(OnNext(300, "wes"), OnNext(400, "ryan"), OnCompleted(500))
- results = scheduler.Run(...)
- results.AssertEqual(...)
- debugging
- Use .Do to cause side effects (like Console.WriteLine) that you can observe to figure out what's going on
- Other stuff
- .DistinctUntilChanged can de-dup an event stream
- .Timestamp makes T into Timestamped<T> which
- Throttle: A----B--200ms----C -> A gets cancelled because B happened within throttle period
- Challenges
- Challenge in learning Rx: there are a lot of operators
- Path Forward
- Already on the Win7 Phone ROM
- Unstable releases every 3 weeks-ish right now
- Stable releases: not as often, but supported, documentation, etc. .NET 4.0+, Silverlight 5, Win7 Phone
- Binaries and doc comments are redistributable
Reactive Extensions
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